Current Group Members
Dr. Ronghu Wu (Professor)
2021, Vasser-Woolley Professorship
2019, GT College of Sciences Cullen-Peck Faculty Scholar Award
2016, ASMS Research Award
2015, NSF CAREER Award
2014, Blanchard Assistant Professorship
2002-2004, Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship in Germany
Postdoc Research Fellows
Dr. Senhan Xu (2023.01 – present)
B.S., Fudan University; PhD (Georgia Tech, 2022)
Publications at GT:
9. Senhan Xu, Xing Xu, Zeyu Wang, and Ronghu Wu*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, (Accepted).
8. Senhan Xu, Suttipong Suttapitugsakul, Ming Tong, and Ronghu Wu*, Cell Reports, 42: 112796, 2023.
7. Senhan Xu, Ronghu Wu*, Expert Review of Proteomics, 2023.
6. Senhan Xu, Xing Xu, and Ronghu Wu*, J. Proteome Res. 22(6): 1571-1588, 2023.
5. Senhan Xu, Kejun Yin, and Ronghu Wu*, Anal.Chem., 95(9): 4371-4380, 2023.
4. Senhan Xu, Ming Tong, Suttipong Suttapitugsakul, and Ronghu Wu*, Cell Reports, 39(11), 110946, 2022.
3. Senhan Xu, Jiangnan Zheng, Haopeng Xiao and Ronghu Wu*, Analytical Chemistry, 94(7): 3343-3351, 2022.
2. Senhan Xu, Fangxu Sun, Ming Tong, and Ronghu Wu*, Molecular Omics (Invited Review), 17: 186-196, 2021.
1. Senhan Xu, Fangxu Sun, and Ronghu Wu*, Analytical Chemistry, 92(14): 9807-9814, 2020.
Ph. D. students
Kejun Yin (Ph.D. Student, 2018.08- )
B.S., Tsinghua University
Publications at GT:
3. Kejun Yin&, Ming Tong&, Suttipong Suttapitugsakul, Senhan Xu, and Ronghu Wu*, PNAS Nexus 2(6): pgad168, 2023.
2. Kejun Yin, and Ronghu Wu*, Mol. Cell. Proteomics.22(6): 100560, 2023.
1. Kejun Yin, Ming Tong, Fangxu Sun, and Ronghu Wu*, Analytical Chemistry, 94(38): 13250-13260, 2022.
Xing Xu (Ph.D. Student, 2020.08- )
B.S., Peking University
Zeyu Wang (Ph.D. Student, 2020.08- )
B.S., CAS University
Longping Fu (Ph.D. Student, 2022.08- )
B.S., Nankai University
Pak San Chan (Ph.D. Student, 2023.08- )
B.S., Chinese University of Hong Kong
Le Sun (Ph.D. Student, 2023.08- )
B.S., UC Berkeley
Cassandra Betz (Undergraduate, GT Biochemistry)
Previous Group Members
Suttipong “Jay” Suttapitugsakul (Ph.D. student, 2016-2021), currently postdoc at Harvard Medical School
Selected publications (more than 15 papers and one book chapter at GT):
1. Suttipong Suttapitugsakul, Ming Tong, and Ronghu Wu*, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 60(20): 11494-11503, 2021.
2. Suttipong Suttapitugsakul, Ming Tong, Fangxu Sun, and Ronghu Wu*, Analytical Chemistry, 93(4): 2694-2705, 2021.
3. Suttipong Suttapitugsakul, Fangxu Sun, and Ronghu Wu*, Analytical Chemistry (Invited Review Article), 92(1): 267-291, 2020.
4. Suttipong Suttapitugsakul, Lindsey D. Ulmer, Chendi Jiang, Fangxu Sun, and Ronghu Wu*, Analytical Chemistry, 91(10): 6934-69422, 2019.
5. Suttipong Suttapitugsakul, Haopeng Xiao, Johanna Smeekens and Ronghu Wu*, Molecular BioSystems, 13: 2574 – 2582, 2017.
Honors and awards at GT:
William H. Emerson Fellowship, 2016
The third place award at the Georgia Tech three-minute thesis presentation competition, 2019
A poster prize at the Departmental Graduate Research Symposium in 2020
Larry S. O’Hara Graduate Student Fellowship, 2020
Bagwell Undergraduate Research Mentor Fellowship, 2020
A regional finalist of the three-minute thesis competition at the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools (CSGS) in Birmingham, AL, 2020
External Advisory Board Award (for outstanding research accomplishment) (2021)
GT Sigma Xi Best PhD Thesis Award (2022)
Fangxu Sun (Ph.D. student, 2016-2021), currently scientist at Biogen
Ming Tong (Ph.D. student, 2015-2020), currently scientist at Novo Nordisk.
Johanna Smeekens (PhD student, 2012.08-2017.05)
Haopeng Xiao (PhD student, 2013.08-2018.05)
B.S., Peking University
Successfully passed his PhD defense on March 28, 2018. Currently he is a postdoc research fellow at Harvard Medical School.
Selected publications (a total of 20 papers and two book chapters at GT):
10. Haopeng Xiao, Fangxu Sun, Suttipong Suttapitugsakul, and Ronghu Wu*, Mass Spectrometry Reviews, Accepted, 2018.
9. Haopeng Xiao, Suttipong Suttapitugsakul, Fangxu Sun, and Ronghu Wu*, Accounts of Chemical Research, 51(8): 1796-1806, 2018.
8. Haopeng Xiao#, Weixuan Chen#, Johanna Smeekens, Ronghu Wu*, Nature Communications, 9: 1692, 2018.
7. Haopeng Xiao, Ju Eun Hwang, Ronghu Wu*, Int. J. Mass Spectrom., 429: 66-57, 2018.
6. Haopeng Xiao, Ronghu Wu*, Chemical Science, 8: 268-277, 2017.
5. Haopeng Xiao, Ronghu Wu*, Analytical Chemistry, 89(19): 10361-10367, 2017.
4. Haopeng Xiao, Ronghu Wu*, Analytical Chemistry, 89(6): 3656-3663, 2017.
3. Haopeng Xiao, George X. Tang, Ronghu Wu*, Analytical Chemistry, 88(6): 3324-3332, 2016.
2. Haopeng Xiao, Johanna M. Smeekens, Ronghu Wu*, Analyst, 141: 3737-3745, 2016.
1. Haopeng Xiao, Weixuan Chen, George X. Tang, Johanna M. Smeekens, Ronghu Wu*, Journal of Proteome Research, 14(3): 1600-1611, 2015.
Honors and awards at GT:
The second oral presentation award at 2016 School Retreat
2017 William Starnes Fellowship for Excellence in Research
The Second Place Presentation Award at 2017 School Graduate Research Symposium
The second place of IBB Suddath Award for his achievement in research (2018)
External Advisory Board Award (2018)
GT Sigma Xi Best PhD Thesis Award (2019)
Dr. Weixuan Chen (Post-doc research fellow, Jan. 2013 – Oct. 2015)
Currently Scientist at Johnson & Johnson in San Diego, CA
B.S. and M.S., Tsinghua University
Ph. D., Georgia State University
Selected publications at GT:
1. Weixuan Chen, Johanna M. Smeekens, Ronghu Wu*, Journal of Proteome Research, 13(3):1466, 2014.
2. Weixuan Chen, Johanna M. Smeekens, Ronghu Wu*, Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 13(6):1563, 2014.
3. Weixuan Chen, Johanna M. Smeekens, Ronghu Wu*, Chemical Science, 6(8):4681, 2015.
4. Weixuan Chen, Johanna M. Smeekens, Ronghu Wu*, Chemical Science, 7(2):1393, 2016.
5. Haopeng Xiao#, Weixuan Chen#, Johanna Smeekens, and Ronghu Wu*, Nature Commun., 9:1692, 2018.
Dr. Purushotham Landa (Post-doc research fellow)
Dr. Jifa Zhang (Post-doc research fellow)
Dr. Jiangnan Zheng (Post-doc research fellow)
Qisi Lin (visiting scholar)
Yu-Shan Huang (Undergraduate, GT Chemistry, 2022)
Zeyu Wang (Undergraduate, GT Biochemistry, Summer 2021)
Claire Christman (Undergraduate, GT Biochemistry, 2020)
Ju Eun (Esther) Hwang (Undergraduate, GT Biochemistry, 2016.08-2018.05)
Julie Leong (REU student from Queensborough Community College, Summer 2016)
Kyle Taylor (Undergraduate, Georgia Tech Biomedical Engineering major, Spring 2016)
Alexis Eduardo Perez Paredes (Summer student from Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain, Summer 2015)
Trevor McElhenny (Undergraduate, Georgia Tech Chemistry major, Summer 2015)
George X. Tang (Undergraduate, Biochemistry major at GT, Fall 2014-Spring 2016)
Rebecca Hu (Undergraduate, Chemistry major at GT, Fall 2014)
Anitza Figueroa (REU student from University of Puerto Rico, Industrial Chemistry, Summer 2014)
Sean M. Hardy (Undergraduate, Georgia Tech Biomedical Engineering, Spring 2013)
Kyle Osborne (M.S., Georgia Tech Chemistry, graduated in 2014)
Andrew Boyd (Undergraduate, Georgia Tech Chemistry, 2013)
Alex Choi (Undergraduate, GT Chemistry, 2016.08-2019.05)
IBB undergraduate research scholar 2018
Publications at GT:
– Fangxu Sun, Alex A. Choi and Ronghu Wu*, Systematic Analysis of Fatty Acids in Human Cells with a Multiplexed Isobaric Tag (TMT)-Based Methods, J. of Proteome Res., 17(4): 1606-1814, 2018.
Lindsey Ulmer(Undergraduate, GT Chemistry, 2016.08-2019.05)
Publications at GT:
– Suttipong Suttapitugsakul, Lindsey D. Ulmer, Chendi Jiang, Fangxu Sun, and Ronghu Wu*, Surface Glycoproteomic Analysis Reveals that both Unique and Differential Expression of Surface Glycoproteins Determine the Cell Type, Analytical Chemistry, 2019.
Usha Mandava
G.I.F.T. High School Chemistry Teacher
from Jonesboro High School (Clayton County, GA)