Welcome to Mass Spectrometry and Chemical Proteomics Group!
Congratulations to Kejun Yin on receiving the “GT Sigma Xi Best PhD Thesis Award” in 2024! This is the third time that our group member received this award over last several years (Haopeng Xiao received it in 2019, Suttipong Suttapitugsakul in 2022).
Congratulations to Dr. Haopeng Xiao on taking a faculty position at Stanford University!
Major Research Topics

A post-doctoral position is available in our lab. If you have recently obtained your Ph.D. in chemistry, and would like to expand into the fields of chemical biology and MS-based protein analysis, this will be an excellent opportunity. It is a plus to have experience with HPLC, MS and large-scale protein analysis, but it is not essential. If you are interested, please send me an email with your CV to: (rwu60@gatech.edu)