March 2018: Congratulations, Haopeng and Weixuan! Their co-first author paper titled “A chemical method based on synergistic and reversible covalent interactions for large-scale analysis of glycoproteins” was accepted for publication in Nature Communications.
March 2018: Congratulations, Fangxu! His first paper at GT was accepted for publication in Journal of Proteome Research. The title is: Systematic Analysis of Fatty Acids in Human Cells with a Multiplexed Isobaric Tag (TMT)-Based Methods.
February 2018: Jay, Fangxu and Ronghu attended Pittcon2018 in Orlando. Fangxu and Ronghu gave a talk, and Jay presented a poster. Besides the warm weather, they were very enjoying talking exciting science with many scientists from around the world.
February 2018: Ronghu visited UNL and gave a seminar in the department of Chemistry. It was very nice to meet and talk with students and professors at UNL.
December 2017: Congratulations! Haopeng. Haopeng was received the second place of the IBB F. L. (Bud) Suddath Memorial Award because of his achievement in research.
November 2017: Congratulations! Alex. He was awarded the IBB Undergraduate Research Scholarship, which funds him to perform research in our lab in 2018.
November 2017: Ronghu gave an invited talk during the Symposium of “Biological Mass Spectrometry” at SERMACS 2017 in Charlotte, NC.
September 2017: Congratulations! Jay. His paper titled “Evaluation and optimization of reduction and alkylation methods to maximize peptide identification with MS-based proteomics” was accepted for publication in Molecular BioSystems.
August 2017: Haopeng’s paper with a title of “Simultaneous quantitation of glycoprotein degradation and synthesis rates by integrating isotope labelling, chemical enrichment and multiplexed proteomics” was accepted for publication in Analytical Chemistry. Congratulations! Haopeng.
August 2017: Ronghu attended Gordon Research Conference on “posttranslational modification network” in Hong Kong, and gave an invited talk.
August 2017: Ronghu presented a talk at Fudan University and he was enjoying his visit.
June 2017: Haopeng, Ming, Jiangnan, Jay, Fangxu and Ronghu attended the ASMS annual meeting, and we had a great time in Indianapolis.
May 2017: Congratulations! Haopeng. His paper titled “Mass spectrometric analysis of the N-glycoproteome in statin-treated liver cells with two lectin-independent chemical enrichment methods” was accepted for publication in Int. J. of Mass Spectrom. (Invited and peer reviewed, Special Issue to honor Professor Terry McMahon).
April 2017: Congratulations! Jiangnan. His paper “Specific Identification of Glycoproteins with the Tn Antigen in Human Cells” was accepted for publication in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
April 2017: Congratulations!! Haopeng. He received the Second Place Presentation Award at our School’s annual Student Research Symposium 2017.
April 2017: Ronghu visited Pittsburgh, and gave three talks during his visit: one during the Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh (SSP) monthly meeting, and two at the two great universities in Pittsburgh: Carnegie Mellon University and Pittsburgh University. He was very enjoying his visit and interacting with lots of talented scientists in Pittsburgh.
April 2017: Ronghu visited Purdue, and presented his research there. It was so exciting to meet and talk with many great scientists at Purdue.
April 2017: Ronghu visited Michigan, and delivered talks at University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, Wayne State University and Michigan State University. It was great to talk with many talented scientists during his visit.
March 2017: Congratulations on Johanna’s successfully defending her PhD thesis! Our whole lab was very excited about her success! She is going to UNC Medical School to continue pursuing her dream and we all wish her great success and having a brilliant future career!
March 2017: Ronghu gave a talk during the US HUPO meeting in San Diego.
March 2017: Ronghu visited University of Wisconsin – Madison and gave an Analytical Science Seminar.
March 2017: Congratulations! Haopeng. He received the William Starnes Graduate Research Fellowship because of his exllence in research.
March 2017: Ronghu presented in Pittcon 2017 in Chicago.
February 2017: Haopeng’s paper, “Global and site-specific analysis revealing unexpected and extensive protein S-GlcNAcylation in human cells”, was accepted for publication in Analytical Chemistry.
February 2017: Ronghu presented in the Monthly Meeting of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics Interest Group at Emory.
January 2017: The project of “Effective methods to globally analyze cell surface proteins and glycoproteins” (PI: Wu) has been funded through NIH NIGMS (R01GM118803).
December 2016: Congratulations! Johanna. Her paper titled “Global Analysis of Secreted Proteins and Glycoproteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae” was accepted for publication in Journal of Proteome Research.
October 2016: Congratulations! Haopeng. He got an excellent oral presentation prize during the School’s retreat at the Kaplan Mitchell Retreat and Conference Center.
October 2016: Ronghu gave a Seminar in the Department of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences at UGA.
September 2016: Ronghu visited University of Florida, and gave a Seminar in the Department of Infectious Diseases and Pathology.
September 2016: Welcome Suttipong Suttapitugsakul, Fangxu Sun, Lindsey Ulmer, Alexander Choi, and Esther Hwang to join our lab!
August 2016: Ronghu presented during International Mass Spectrometry Conference in Toronto, Canada.
August 2016: Haopeng’s paper (Title: Quantitative Investigation of Human Cell Surface N-glycoprotein Dynamics) was accepted for publication in Chemical Science.
July 2016: Ronghu gave a talk during the XXVIII International Carbohydrate Symposium in New Orleans.
June 2016: Ronghu received ASMS Research Award, and he delivered a talk during ASMS annual meeting in San Antonio, and invited talks at 6th World Chinese Mass Spectrometry Conference and in Chemistry Department at UT San Antonio.
June 2016: Welcome a REU student, Julie Leong, to join our lab and spend this summer with us. Also welcome Usha Mandava, a high school chemistry teacher
from Jonesboro High School (Clayton County, GA), to work with us again during this summer.
May 2016: Ronghu presented their research results in the Center for Cancer Research and Therapeutic Development at Clark Atlanta University.
March 2016: Haopeng’s third first-author paper was accepted for publication in Analyst.
March 2016: Ronghu visited University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and gave a Seminar in the Department of Chemistry.
March 2016: Johanna, Haopeng and Ronghu Attended the Pittcon, and each of them presented a talk during the conference.
February 2016: Congratulations to Haopeng for his paper being accepted for publication in Analytical Chemistry.
January 2016: Welcome Kyle Taylor from BME to work with us during the Spring semester.
December 2015: Ronghu delivered an invited talk during the Pacifichem 2015 in Honolulu, Hawaii.
December 2015: Ronghu received a “Thank you” certificates from CETL for his teaching.
November 2015: Congratulations! Weixuan. His paper titled “Systematic Study of the Dynamics and Half-lives of Newly Synthesized Proteins in Human Cells” was accepted for publication in Chemical Science.
October 2015: Congratulations, Johanna, on her VWR safety award!
September 2015: Weixuan and Ronghu attended the HUPO annual meeting in Vacouver, Canada. Weixuan presented a poster and Ronghu gave a talk.
September 2015: A collaborative project (Identification of Surface Glycoproteins as Effective Biomarkers of Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiac Progenitors) between Dr. Chunhui Xu’s lab at Emory University and our lab was approved for funding through “Georgia Partners in Regenerative Medicine” seed grant program”.
September 2015: Welcome Ming Tong join our lab.
August 2015: Haopeng’s book chapter titled:”A Boronic Acid-Based Enrichment for Site-Specific Identification of the Nglycoproteome Using MS-Based Proteomics” was accepted for publication by Springer.
August 2015: Ronghu Presented a talk titled “Global Analysis of N-sialoglycosylated Proteins on the Cell Surface by Integrating Click Chemistry and MS-based Proteomics” in a Symposium of “Analytical Advances in Mass Spectrometry” during 250th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, Boston, MA, August 16-20, 2015.
June 2015: Johanna, Haopeng and Ronghu attended the 2015 ASMS annual meeting in St. Louis. Johanna orally presented her beautiful work about surface glycoproteins in the session of “Glycopeptides and Glycoproteins” while Haopeng and Ronghu presented their posters during the meeting.
May 2015: Congratulate Weixuan on his paper titled “Systematic and Site-specific Analysis of N-Sialoglycosylated Proteins on the Cell Surface by Integrating Click Chemistry and MS-based Proteomics” being accepted for publication in Chemical Science!
May 2015: Ronghu gave an invited talk at Georgia Regents University in Augusta, GA.
April 2015: Congratulations to Haopeng on his passing the Ph.D. candidacy exam!
April 2015: Ronghu delivered an invited talk in “the First Southeast Glycoscience Symposium” in Atlanta, GA.
April 1st, 2015: Welcome Usha and her Jonesboro high school students to visit our lab!
March 2015: Congratulations to Johanna on her invited paper titled “Enhancing the mass spectrometric identification of membrane proteins by combining chemical and enzymatic digestion methods” being accepted for publication in Analytical Methods!
March 2015: Ronghu organized a Symposium of “Mass spectrometry and its biomedical applications” during Pittconn 2015 in New Orleans, and gave a talk there.
March 2015: Ronghu presented invited talks at UC Riverside and UCLA.
February 2015: Ronghu’s NSF CAREER application (CAREER: Characterizing the Glycoproteome with Effective MS-based Chemical and Enzymatic Methods) was approved for funding.
February 2015: Congratulations to Haopeng! His first paper entitled “Systematic Investigation of Cellular Responses and Pleiotropic Effects in Atorvastatin-treated Liver Cells by MS-based Proteomics” was accepted for publicaion in Journal of Proteome Research.
February 23, 2015: Ronghu delivered an invited talk titled “Site-specific Quantification of the Surface N-Sialoglycoproteome in Cancer Cells with Distinctive Invasiveness” for the Center For Diagnostics and Therapeutics Seminar Series at Georgia State University.
December 2014: Ronghu received a “Thank you” certificate from CETL for his course teaching.
November 19, 2014: Ronghu talked about their research (Novel Strategies for Global Analysis of Phosphoproteins and Glycoproteins) in Emory CF-AIR Workshop.
November 7, 2014: Ronghu presented an invited talk with a title of “Emerging Mass Spectrometry Techniques for Global Analysis of Proteins and Their Modifications” during Emory Clinical Cardiovascular Research Institute (ECCRI) meeting, Emory University, Atlanta, GA.
Oct. 18th, 2014: Ronghu organized a Symposium of “Mass spectrometry and its biomedical applications” during SERMACS 2014 in Nashville, Tennessee. Johanna, Haopeng, Zhenyu and Weixuan participated in this Symposium and conference. Ronghu delivered a talk titled “Comprehensive analysis of the N-glycoproteome by mass spectrometry”.
Oct. 13th, 2014: Johanna, Weixuan and Ronghu outreached to the Jonesboro High School. We presented a talk entitled “Chemistry and Us” to high school students. We had a very pleasant time to talk with high school students and their chemistry teachers. Hopefully we will have other activities, including a science tour to Georgia Tech, to interact with them soon.
Oct. 3rd, 2014: Congratulations to Johanna on her paper being accepted for publication in J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.
June 2014: Johanna, Weixuan and Ronghu attended ASMS 2014 in Baltimore, Johanna and Weixuan presented their research results and Ronghu chaired a session titled “Glycoproteins and glycans: new MS approaches”.
June 2014: Welcome Anitza Figueroa (REU student from University of Puerto Rico) and Usha Mandava (G.I.F.T. high school chemistry teacher from Jonesboro High School, Clayton County, GA) to join our group for the summer!
April 2014: Congratulations! Johanna. She successfully passed her candidacy exam!
April 2014: Weixuan’s paper titled “A Universal Chemical Enrichment Method for Mapping the Yeast N-glycoproteome by MS” was appeared online in Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. Keep going, Weixuan!
April 2014: Ronghu presented our latest protein glycosylation results at the US HUPO annual meeting in Seattle, and also gave an invited talk at PNNL.
March 2014: Ronghu gave a talk at Pittcon 2014 entitled “New MS-based chemical methods for comprehensive analysis of protein N-glycosylation” in Chicago, and also chaired a session titled “Analytical Spectroscopy.”
March 2014: Ronghu was awarded the Blanchard Assistant Professorship.
Feburary 2014: Weixuan’s first paper from our group, “Comprehensive Analysis of Protein N-glycosylation Sites by Combining Chemical Deglycosylation with LC-MS,” was accepted for publication in the Journal of Proteome Research.
Welcome Haopeng to our group during the Fall 2013 semester!
December 2013: Ronghu gave an invited talk at Nanjing University.
November 11-16, 2013: Ronghu organized and chaired a session titled “Analytical Chemistry General Session” during SERMACS 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia. Weixuan co-chaired the session. Ronghu presented our latest results about protein glycosylation at this conference.
August 2013: Weixuan and Ronghu attended the Gordon Research Conference on “Biological Molecules in the gas phase & in solution” in New Hampshire.
March 20-24, 2013: Ronghu chaired a session of “Proteins, Signal” in the International Conference Frontiers in Systems and Synthetic Biology ’13 (FSSB’13) in Atlanta, Georgia.
January 2013: Ronghu presented “Comprehensive Analysis of Proteins and Protein Phosphorylation by LC-MS” in an monthly meeting of Integrative BioSystems Institute.
January 2013: Ronghu gave an invited talk at Emory University.
November 2012: Ronghu delivered a presentation for a Seminar at the Georgia Tech Integrated Cancer Research Center.
Welcome on board, Johanna, Weixuan and Andrew!
Newly renovated lab and office are available on January 2nd, 2013.